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  • Sam Dennis

How Do I Avoid Burnout?

Small business owners, we've all been there at some point. The sudden feeling that it's not worth it anymore, and it'd be easier to throw in the towel. You're not alone.

For those who chose to stick with it, or those who are currently in it, or those who are considering starting their own business.

Here's my two cents on how to avoid burning out and wanting to give up on your dream.

Be Realistic

This one took me a while, and to be honest I'm still learning it. I've been lucky to have a great business partner who teaches me patience and how to slow down. Being realistic with your expectations, growth and goals is important. For me, I found that I easily got caught up in my own expectations of where we 'should be'. It wasn't a wrong desire to do well, but it led to me pushing myself more, with no real strategy or benefit. More doesn't always been better.

Have A Strategy

It sounds simple, but a basic idea and direction isn't a strategy. A strategy means that you know where you're going, and how you're going to get there, and what you need to go on that journey. A strategy is what allows you to see if you're kicking goals and can take an afternoon off, or gives you the feedback to make necessary changes. For example, if you're looking to improve your marketing and content, it pays to start by sitting down and working from the end backwards. What outcome do you want? More engagement?

What channels are best for you to use? How do you design and edit the content?

How often do you share it and where from? Do you schedule it regularly or just off-the-cuff? A strategy is the framework that gives you consistency and reduces that stress that comes with not knowing where you are, or what to do, which can lead to mental burnout.

Create Automation & Systems

Automation is the buzz-word of late it feels, automating everything with AI! While that's good, you still need to understand why and what you're automating. If it breaks, you need to know how to fix it right? Just because something is automated, that doesn't make it a good system. A good system is about creating less mental effort (and less physical if you can), and more consistency. It can include from automating your onboarding, client scheduling, content, to having a reminder on your phone to send a follow-up message to your latest leads. Whatever it is, creating consistency and removing the need to 'remember' is the key.

On a practical note, if you've read through this and you're feeling the need to try and apply it. I'd start by identifying one key area you feel takes up mental energy regularly from you, put an hour aside, and think about a strategy to make it simple, repeatable & consistent.

As always, if you're looking for help or support with developing better systems and improving your business structures, reach out to us via the forms on our website!


- Sam

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