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  • Sam Dennis

Internal vs. External Systems

An easy way to think about your business structure and begin analysing it's success is to break it into internal and external systems. It's a simple starting point that allows you to diagnose potential blockages that are slowing the business down overall.

At a high level, internal systems include anything that exists within the four walls of the business that serves to keep the business running and compliant day to day. While external systems is often client-facing and focused on the outer image or growth of the business.

The reason I find this theoretical structure helpful, is because it allows you to understand where you may have leaks in productivity or profit. For example, in one of my businesses we focus on 2 aspects, retention & growth. One internal (retention) and one external (growth). For us, we can typically identify our entire strategy through one of these lenses (we own a gym/studio!).

It's a helpful way to start to identify your structures and where you might be able to focus your attention to chip away at bettering your systems. Here's a few more examples to jog some thoughts...

Internal Systems

  • Project Management/Workflow

  • Operations & Task Management

  • Client Retention

  • Team Communications

  • Financials & Accounting

  • KPI's & Business Growth

External Systems

  • Client/Customer Onboarding

  • Content Creation & Strategy

  • Marketing & Sales

  • Brand Development & Messaging

These are all examples of areas in business that require systems, and more or less exist at any level, they just increase or decrease in their complexity. For a micro business or sole trader, one google sheet might manage most of these tasks easily. For a small to medium-sized business, you may begin to implement different softwares or employ people to look after particular areas. However, the principles at play stay the same.

As your business grows, these areas become wider and deeper in their complexity and as a business owner your aim is to continue to systemise and simplify these areas so they can be done efficiently and effectively for a long time.

Small steps consistently is the way forward!


- Sam

PS. If you're looking to get some support on how to systemise your business, address the gaps and reduce the stress, book in a free strategy call below!

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